Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Pack all your troubles in your old kit bag!

Monday, July 3, 2006
7:20 p.m.
I have been avoiding the computer all day. That doesn't mean that I have actually avoided it completely, for me that would mean that the computer had ceased to exist, or that we were experiencing power outages, or something. No, it merely means that I have been occupying myself with things which do not require me to fasten my seatbelt in my ergonomic secretarial chair and place my fingers on the home row, although I confess that I have checked my email several times (I don't get much mail, I don't know why I bother), checked to see who's updated their blogs, and actually popped into the Diaryland chatroom for about five minutes.

Instead, I have been constructing a dress. That's a word I learned from the wardrobe mistress at the theatre, "constructing". I would say "sewing", but I guess when you're making a costume, it's a little different. One of my students played the goddess Thetis in the Aeschylus play Andromache and her costume was literally constructed around her, pinned, and then sewn once it was removed from her. I'm not doing it that way.

Two years ago, a little earlier in the spring, I went shopping with Patsy for fabric and bought stuff for two dresses, the purple Chinese silk with which I made a cheongsam, and dark green cotton with which I planned to make a sun dress. I am finally making that second dress. If you think that's procrastination, I still have in a bag a quantity of very dark purple, almost black, georgette which I bought almost four years ago when I went shopping with the Duchess. I have great intentions. You know which road they pave.

I also took Buddy Boy shopping for the items he needs to pack in his duffel bag (including the duffel bag) when he heads off to the Great War in just over a week. He needed socks, boxers, undershirts, towels, long johns to wear under the itchy woolen uniform pants, as well as toiletries including sunscreen and Deep W00ds Off! I also got him a little M0Ieskine notebook to use as a diary. I hope he uses it. They encourage the "soldiers" to write home everyday, but he doesn't want to do that. Instead, hopefully, he'll keep a log of his adventures.

Before my adventures with my son, though, I made a lunch date with my daughter and took her out for pho at the Captain. I see her so little these days, what with her work, band practice and active social life, I have to finnagle these little social events for just her and me. It seems a little contrived, but I know there will come a day, in the not too distant future, when she's totally gone and I'll only see her on holidays. *sigh*


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