Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Good bye, 2006. Hello, 2007.

Sunday, Dec. 31, 2006
2:13 p.m.
Oh god it’s the end of another year.

I helped Little Princess dye her hair this morning. I cut it for her last night to just shoulder length. Now it is a glowing pink, an absolutely jewel-like hue that does not occur in nature, but I find so incredibly beautiful, especially on her. She’s off to a New Year’s Eve party tonight, with her kid brother in tow (I think it’s fabulous that they can hang out together, even now), and I will try not to think of the vast amounts of alcohol he will likely consume underage under his older sister’s watchful eye.

On the other hand, Hubby and I have no party to go to. It looks as though we will spend a quite evening at home, just the two of us, watch television and sip some vin mousseux which is even now chilling in the refrigerator. I can handle that. I don’t really feel like going out anyway. My menses, which is no longer monthly, decided to show up finally after slightly more than three times that amount, and has me in a great deal of pain and discomfort. So this is fine. Dancing is out at this point, although I did see a sign posted outside the Lion that they are having a party tonight, “Stress Free” the poster said. I’ll pass.

My resolutions for the new year are to eat less, exercise more, and just try to live my life. Oh, I’m going to try to write more too, fewer blog entries, more creative prose and poetry. I’ll let you know how that works out.


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