Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

To do or not to do? That is the question.

Monday, Oct. 29, 2007
9:57 p.m.
Out of a list of five things to do today, easy things at that, this is what I got done:

1. Empty ash bucket and clean the woodstove.
I emptied the bucket, I cleaned out the fireplace, finding all sorts of nice hot embers among the ashes. So I plucked those out with the fireplace tongs and set them aside to start another conflagration.

2. Call chimney sweeps for appointment to clean chimney.
I didn’t do that.

3. Set mouse traps and/or put out poisoned bait as we are being infiltrated by rodents.
I found the rat zapper with the light flashing, but no body or bait inside it, turned it off and brought it downstairs. I have not yet replaced the batteries and put it back behind the knee wall or put out any poison.

4. Pay the bill for the bar and food from our 25th wedding anniversary party last August.
Okay, I wrote a cheque and put both it and the invoice in an envelope and put that in my knapsack and will take it to the business office when I go to the university tomorrow.

5. Make a pdf of Hubby’s harp solo piece and email it to him.
I did that. Yay me!

Belly dancing tonight was interesting. We got to a part of the piece where we drop the veils and then proceed to the next bit, a series of pelvic and chest movements that go by very quickly, the whole step taking maybe four seconds. We spent 15 minutes just trying to learn them in sequence and get them to fit the music. ’Tain’t easy, this.


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