Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

The Aviator and the AirPort

Wednesday, Dec. 29, 2004
10:59 p.m.
I copied very little music today. Upon repeated checking the mailbox yielded no mail. However, Pur0later did deliver the AirP0rt card, which I duly installed into our new iMac (not without exchanging some harsh tones with my husband, who could not either get the back of the computer back on any easier than I could at first but who interrupted my attempt and caused me a great deal of frustration, but all you wives already know this story) and finally powered it up. Lo! it is a beautiful machine. I spent a little bit of time playing with it before leaving to pick my daughter up from wherever it was she had called me, only to return home and find my son all over it like (insert appropriate simile here). I haven�t been at it since.

This morning the encadrement place called to inform me that the pictures I had dropped off nearly a month ago were ready, so I headed out in the snow to get them. They look great. The only problem is that we don�t have enough walls on which to hang all the art we have accumulated over the years. There must be a solution.

While out in the car with the radio on, I heard more and more reports of the devastation in Asia. I chatted with Jenn on MSN, and we are both concerned about our friend and colleague, the staff accompanist and skills teacher, who went to Thailand for the holidays with her conjoint and his parents. I haven�t had an opportunity yet to call her parents, who live in town, but hopefully I can do that tomorrow. The not knowing is the worst part.

However, Hubby, Buddy Boy and I did get out this evening to see The Aviat0r, the film about H0ward Hughes, and it was quite fine. I think this is the best I have ever seen Le0 DiCapri0 act, and the star-studded cast certainly didn�t hurt. Cate BIanchett was superb as Kate Hepburn, and it was a pleasure to see AIan AIda in a film again, even though he did play an antagonistic r�le. I recommend it highly.


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