Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Terrible Tuesday

Tuesday, Sept. 28, 2004
9:28 p.m.
Today, having been Tuesday, was busy busy busy. It started off with a Latin test, which I believe I aced. Then we talked a bit more about the plural and neuter gender, divided up into groups of two or three, and prepared some kind of presentations to demonstrate the five cases. I ended up working with two young men who sit near me, Michael and Matt. Matt has the most gorgeous grey eyes and curly hair. I just wanted to tousel it. Anyway, we made up a series of sentences to be acted out and we get to do this on Thursday.

After that I got in the car (I actually drove to the university today) and sped out to Costco, where I returned the defective liqueur glasses. The woman behind the counter saw me coming and recognized me from the other day. She wasn�t surprised. I then returned to campus, found a spot to part closer to the music department, unloaded a box of scores onto my shelf in the part-time office, and had myself a hummus on brown bread sandwich. Then I taught my first lesson, which went well. I�m encouraged when there is even minimal improvement in one session, the student feels as though she is getting her money�s worth and I feel as though I�m not wasting my time. My second student walked in and I promptly sent her home; she was coughing, feverish and had a sore throat. There is so much illness going around campus, especially for those poor kids in res.

Choir went well. I�m a good singer, I really am, and the director knows how lucky he is to have me in the soprano section. Today he asked me if I would be available for some high, floaty stuff in the Fanshawe piece. No problem. That I can do.

Hubby and I have been having a very heavy discussion about the possibility of instituting a �jazz vocal� course in the department, something we are both not happy about. This relates back to all that unpleasantness that happened last spring, something I can�t really discuss here. But I will talk more on the jazz thing later. Right now I am exhausted and can�t really bring myself to add any more.


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