Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Friday update

Friday, Oct. 27, 2006
10:49 p.m.
I seem to be out every night this week, just about. I missed Wednesday. Monday was belly dancing, Tuesday was writing group, Thursday I took Buddy Boy to see the movie playing on the Centennial Theatre series, and just now I�m back from the drama department�s fall offering. Tomorrow night we have yet another concert, counter-tenor and soprano early-music love duets. I�m really looking forward to that.

I lunched with Vlad at the Captain, introducing her to their vegetarian pho. It was quite amusing, watching her attempting to gather up those slippery rice noodles with chopsticks. She is usually such a fastidious eater, very adept with a fork and knife. It was another story today. Also, those funny spoons are not made for dainty soup sipping. But it was delicious and we actually had a very enjoyable time.

Neither of us went to the piano recital at the department tonight. Our esteemed colleague didn�t come to my concert, so I really don�t feel any qualms about not going to his. I�m sure it was well attended nonetheless.

It�s getting colder daily. I�m wondering if the asters I planted, given to me as potted Mother�s Day flowers, will have a chance to bloom. So far they seem quite perky, even though everythng else in the border is drooping from frost, but whether or not those flower buds will have a chance to unfurl before we get snow is anyone�s guess.


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