Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

An insipid and uninspired entry

Wednesday, Jul. 27, 2005
8:15 p.m.
I feel I should write something, that it is my duty to make diary entries daily (hence the word diary), but I am uninspired. I shall attempt it nonetheless.

The weather today has been wet and woebegone. For the first time this summer I actually had to put clothes in the dryer instead of on the line. I saw a bird at the feeder which was unfamiliar to me, and my Audub0n book was not that helpful. I think it is a redstart or something like that. Except that it was yellow. Who gives wildlife names anyway?

Yesterday was an exercise in frustration, as I drove to and from the university trying to print out the corrected pages of the TSO piece. The ZiP disk I was using was damaged, so I tried to download the file onto another, and that didn�t work, so I ended up just detatching the external hard drive Tim gave me and taking it, hooking it up to Hubby�s G3 (thankfully pre-USB) and printing directly from it. He proofread those pages and I have now done the second group of corrections, which means it�s time to start extracting parts. Oh joy and rapture.

I mentioned that we have a date for the radio broadcast of the symphony which was premiered in Calgary. It will be September 11 (how apt) on the CBC new music show Tw0 New H0urs at 10 p.m. (that�s a Sunday, by the way). You can get information about it here and listen to in in RealAudi0 here. It�s on RadioTw0, so you will have to tune in at 10 p.m. Eastern time, but you�re all smart people and can figure out the appropriate displacement. I know that it�s to be rebroadcast on another show, but I haven�t got that information yet.

When we arrived in our own garage on Sunday night, the tripometer marked our voyage at 2,971 km. and Buddy Boy estimated that we had been in the car for a total of 35 hours. See why I hate long motor trips? It was so nice to sleep in my own bed. Ah....


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