Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Like inhaling through your mouth after eating a peppermint.

Saturday, Jan. 27, 2007
11:13 p.m.
I wrote this earlier, but the internet was being recalcitrant when I hit the done! button, so I saved it until the technology decided to cooperate:

There was a bazar at the belly dancing studio today, and Patsy and I had fun going through all the jingle-jangles on the racks. She bought a new wrap, a black one with silver coins, and I had Lise put one aside for me that will work better as a shawl. It’s got a beautiful lavender background with a peacock’s tail stitched into it, embellished with shiny beads. Lise doesn’t take plastic, just cash or cheque, and of course I didn’t have enough of one on me and had forgotten to bring any of the other, so I’ll pay for it when I go to class on Monday. I found out how old Lise is. She had a birthday just five days before mine, turning 48. You can see it in her face, which is still quite lovely, around her eyes and mouth, but the rest of her looks like a 20-something. It’s just not fair!

Bundling up against the cold, we passed over the Mag0g River where it squeezes its way through the gorge, and I wished I had my camera with me to photograph the white-rimed trees against the red brick of the buildings facing onto Frontenac Street. We popped into a chocolaterie where Patsy bought a quantity of hand-made Belgian chocolates to brighten up Monday morning in the classics department, after which we ordered lunch at Antiquarius, creamy sweet potato soup and salad, which she treated me to. I was very touched. Sadly, the all-natural clothing store was closed, and we were too frozen to continue walking around downtown investigating interesting shops, so I drove her home and came home myself, where I watched another episode of Black B00ks, the one where Fran buys a piano and cannot play, but it turns out that Manny is a natural. I laughed till it hurt.

It looks like the Hed0nism thing is out, as my husband can’t seem to get his computer to behave long enough to book a vacation. Personally, I would just call a travel agent and let her look after it, but he is intent on saving a few bucks and so has spent days researching this stuff. I really think my way is better, but he will not be swayed.

And now I am contemplating going out again to see another evening of student-produced theatre. But it’s soooo cold outside.

* - _ - * - _ - * - _ - * - _ - * - _ - *

I did, in fact, go to Night B of the plays, and I had a lot of fun. It is desperately cold out, and just a little while ago I opened the door for Little Princess who had been at the observatory, observing the heavens. When I kissed her cheek, it was as cold as statuary. She said they were able to see Saturn, but not get any good photographs. It would be a good night for star and planet viewing, considering how cold and clear it is. I don’t think I could stand it, though. I’ll just finish my hot cinnamon-apple tisane here and then go snuggle up with my sweetie.


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