Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Feeling hungry?

Saturday, Aug. 26, 2006
9:57 p.m.
My daughter, wealthy beyond belief from her scholarship and prize winnings and the honest money she earned this summer as a physics research assistant, has purchased a brand, spanking, new MacB00k, complete with InteI chip and built-in webcam. She also went so far as to buy a wireless Mighty M0use and will happily demonstrate its capabilities whether you're really interested in them or not. We had some fun this afternoon playing with Ph0t0B00th, the program that allows you to manipulate the photos the inate camera takes.

So. Right. Other than that, I've been trying to whip my voice back into shape with this Mozart concert aria that I want to sing on the faculty recital in either three or four weeks, copying out the charts that Hubby is preparing for our blues concert, and reading. I also made a very delicious stirfry of snowpeas, garlic, ginger and shoyu. Little Princess remarked several times, "These are really good!" I would like to be more adventuresome in my meal preparation, and the other day I made some very fine eats from Vegan PIanet: pesto-stuffed tofu and orzo-stuffed tomato shells. The first is very simple and incredibly yummy. You cut a cake of tofu into four slabs, make a slit in each into which you force a spoonful of pesto (the recipe calls for cheeseless pesto, but I'm not a vegan, so I used the real thing), then fry them in olive oil until golden and serve smothered in tomato sauce. The second was a little more complicated, requiring the hollowing out of four large tomatoes and then mixing the chopped innards with cooked orzo, garlic, minced parsley and fresh basil, then refilling the cavities of said tomatoes and baking in the oven until heated through. This recipe actually calls for a yellow-pepper coulis to be drizzled on top, which seemed like too much work, so I instead sprinkled them with grated parmesan, and they were absolutely excellent.


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