Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Blue skies smiling at me; nothing but blue skies do I see.

Saturday, Jun. 24, 2006
10:28 p.m.
Today is the fete of St-Jean-Baptiste, or St. John the Baptist for you non-francophones. It is also known as the fete nationale in this here province of Kweebeck, although I have no real understanding why. There are no religious connotations lingering with regard to this holiday, just political ones. Anyway, since I am neither a Catholic, nor a separatist, the day means nothing to me aside from being a holiday and the occasion of Janice and David's afternoon of music in the orchard.

Hubby and I got there around 2:30 and we were prepared this time with beach chairs (you know, the ones that collapse and fit in their own cylindrical bags). When we got up to play, our audience was attentive and well behaved, and we ended up having a very nice time. For our set we performed around nine jazz standards with our friend the bassist, who did very adequately. Later on, when Hubby's tennis/squash playing friend arrived, we did some blues tunes. That was also a hoot.

I managed to imbibe almost a whole bottle of sangria all by myself and should have been extremely drunk, except that it had only 5% alcohol per volume, so it ended up being like drinking two beers over the space of a whole afternoon. So, considering Hubby was downing the SIeemans all the while, I ended up driving home.

It was a good day. The weather was perfect, not too hot, not humid. I may have a bit of a burn on the backs of my calves from when we were performing, but that's not so bad. I do, however, have another headache.


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