Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

I’m old and cold.

Thursday, Jan. 24, 2008
7:22 p.m.
It was my birthday yesterday. I am now firmly ensconced in my second half-century at age 51. I don’t know how this actually happened, except that if you live long enough, it’s probably inevitable.

Hubby took me and Little Princess out for dinner to our favourite Italian restaurant, and it was lovely, as always. I got presents, which is a plus. Little Princess gave me a sketchbook with two conté crayons and a G0diva raspberry-flavoured chocolate bar, Hubby gave me a lovely agenda with pretty pictures in it, a book of Canadian humour and two very nice tops that look rather good on me, if I say so myself, and I also opened the box my mother-in-law had sent along last Thanksgiving, which turned out to be a terrifying nightgown. Kevin O gave me a muffin, which got squashed in my knapsack, and one of my students gave me the TraiIer Park B0ys Movie on DVD, which I already own. So, it was a pretty good haul in all. Oh, and Hubby humoured me and watched L0ve ActuaIIy with me. I liked it as much or more the second time around.

I have been assigned three new students, all beginners, and have been having scheduling nightmares trying to fit everyone in. I am way too busy.


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