Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Today is siddel�s birthday. Go over there and wish her a happy one.

Thursday, Feb. 23, 2006
6:49 p.m.
I found my sunglasses. They were in the Volvo where I�d stashed them a couple of weeks ago when the boys were in Florida and the Subaru was in longterm parking at the airport, except that I didn�t remember having done that, hence my frantic tearing apart of the house looking for them. Anyway, the mystery is solved and I am greatly relieved.

Hubby left me the Volvo today, since I didn�t have to go to the university for anything, and I drove it to the mall where I laid siege to the dollar store, denuding the shelves of hygiene items to pack in my suitcase and leave as tips for the maids. At least, this is what R and A told us we should do, and the travel agent today confirmed that one could do this, although the Cuban domestic staff is becoming quite spoiled at the hands of Canadian tourists.

I bought shampoo, conditioner, bath cubes, dry skin cream, lipstick, nail polish, soaps, toothbrushes and toothpaste, and tootsie rolls, one of which I already ate. I�m so bad. As I was leaving the mall, I decided to check out the new Winners across the street and ended up buying myself a new bathing suit, a maillot, dark purple, that looks half decent on me. But I noticed in the change room that I do not look good naked, at least not under the fluorescent store lighting and in that tiny cubicle where you can�t get any perspective in the mirror, and there was no way I was walking out into the long hall to model my prospective purchase in the three-way at the end of it. It was marked down, but I still found it to be expensive.

At dinner we got into a discussion of different words for being cheated, as our francophone guest, Ed, hadn�t heard the word �gyp� or �jew�. I mentioned that we also use the word �shylock�, lifted directly from Shakespeare�s Merchant of Venice in reference to someone who lends money at usurous rates. Hubby said that that reference was more obtuse, and I corrected him saying that he should have said obscure, which prompted a lively getting out of dictionaries to prove each other incorrect. I do believe I won, but then when it comes to arguments about language, I usually do. Hubby won�t admit it though.


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