Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

We don’t have spring here, we have sproing!

Monday, Apr. 23, 2007
8:53 p.m.
As predicted by my weather widget, today was a truly glorious day. The forecast 26° was met and possibly surpassed, and I was into shorts and a tank top for my walk to the university (and sandals once I got home), taking the bike path again, with camera this time so I could get some pictures of the last vestiges of winter before they’re completely eradicated by this heavenly heat.

First of all, we have here a photo of an enormous white pine, labeled in the fiche alongside the piste as pin blanc majestueux. It really is majestic, and very tall. I had a hard time getting the top of it in the frame:

Last night there had been two wet spots on the path, today there was just one:

I was into the micro as well as the macro, and photographed some actual things pushing their way out of the detritus left over from last fall:

My real objective was the stream, but sadly, as I suspected, the heat had already melted the interesting ice formations into less erratic contours. It was still worth a few photos, though:

The river is swollen with melt water, so I have to include a couple of shots of that:

At belly dancing tonight we wore the costumes we will be using for the spectacle in June. They are long dresses made out of a stretchy fabric with an ocelot print and decorated with gold sequins and beads. There are slits up the sides and a couple even have tickle holes in the midriff area (I luckily got out of wearing one of those). They’re hot to dance in, which is a problem, and have these armbands with long flowing “sleeves” coming off them that sort of flap around. I joked with one of the other women that we looked like bridesmaids at a strange wedding.

Today is the last day of my son’s 18th year and tomorrow we celebrate his attainment of majority. Did I mention that he was accepted to Y0rk? Yeah, he’s really pumped about that.


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