Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Dance to the music!

Monday, Oct. 22, 2007
10:12 p.m.
A good book will begin with a sentence that makes you want to continue reading. A.S.Byatt is the master (mistress?) of the hook. From her first sentence I am immediately sucked into the narrative. Blogging is no different. There are bloggers who grab me at the outset, and there are others who turn me off in the same way. It’s difficult to keep coming up with a good hook day after day, but I keep trying nonetheless.

The microwave is at the shop for repairs. I was offered a replacement one for the duration and I told the clerk I would try to survive without it for the one or two weeks; however, in the event I cannot, I may get one whenever I want at no charge. That’s nice to know.

Cars come with several sets of keys. Our Subaru has two plus a valet key (which I always keep in my purse along with an extra house key and the valet key for the Volvo; you never know). Several days ago my husband could not find the set of keys that he likes to use. This is the one with the black plastic “handle”. I traditionally use the plain one. When we come into the house from the garage, the keys are dropped into a terra cotta bowl on top of the dryer (it once held a citronella candle). His key wasn’t there. It wasn’t anywhere. We looked all over, in vain. I suggested it might be in one of his bags that he carries to and from the university. He said that wasn’t possible.

Yesterday he found it. Where was it? In his knapsack. How did it get in there? I haven’t the foggiest. I feel vindicated.

The horlogiste came today. There was a message on the phone when I returned from dropping off the microwave asking me to call to make an appointment for my clock, so I called him back and he was there within the half-hour. He found that the hook from which the pendulum hangs was loose and wiggling, which would account for why it was slipping and causing the clock to speed up. I happen to own a soldering iron and supplied him with the necessary materials to fix it right then and there, and he reassembled the mechanism, adding a few judicious drops of oil, rehung the pendulum, and lo! it is now ticking evenly, something it hasn’t done in years, and has been striking exactly on time since he left. I am really pleased.

The weather was once again gorgeous today, with a high of 28°C. Totally amazing. As I was driving home I saw those guys who do survey work for the Ministry of Transport shirtless and sweating. It’s supposed to rain tomorrow, so maybe we’ll be back to seasonable temperatures soon.

As a result, it was roasting in belly dancing tonight. The veils didn’t help either. We finished off the session by practising making up improvisations to music. I think we were all a little inhibited. But it was kind of fun. I should try that at home, just put on music and dance.


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