Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land


Monday, Nov. 21, 2005
8:21 p.m.
Dear zuzus-petals has suggested that I write about five high points in my marriage since I was so uninspired yesterday. I�ve been thinking about this, and realized it is not as easy as it looks.

I�ve been married for 23 years. That�s a long time. Generally speaking it has been a very good 23 years, but when I have to pick out times that stand out particularly, they are usually the bad times, the thorns in the proverbial ointment, the moments when the thought occurred that perhaps wedded bliss was a fiction only. Those are the times when my husband actually spoke the dreaded �D� word out loud, when my heart raced and I felt that sense of impending doom. Luckily for both of us, the passion cooled, the moment passed, and we continued on as a couple and not as a statistic. Generally those times were brought on by unbearable stress having to do with work, kids, in-laws, over-consumption of alcohol (that wouldn�t be me, by the way), et cetera. The good times by far outweigh the bad, but the bad are just so much more memorable.

So, what high points can I actually remember? I think the concerts we�ve given together, he on guitar, me singing, have been notable, but there have been many of those and not one in particular stands out from the others. So, let me make a list of five occasions when I was particularly happy to be married, especially to this particular guy:

1. The day he received his doctorate. I was incredibly proud of him and overflowing with happiness.

2. The birth of our daughter. He was so happy, and I was so sore (read c�sarian section).

3. The birth of our son.

4. Our 22nd anniversary sojourn in Quebec City and trip to the Saguenay.

5. Our trip to Trinidad and Tobago last March. It was even better than our actual honeymoon was, which was all right, but this was better. People kept asking if we were newlyweds and I finally asked someone why this was so. The explanation given was that we looked so happy together. Ha!

Hopefully I�ll have a more inspired entry tomorrow. Thanks, Zuzu, for the suggestion.


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