Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Let�s hear it for lists!

Saturday, May 21, 2005
5:01 p.m.
Ten things I have done today which have somehow made the world a better place to live in:

1. Washed a load of whites which consisted of a bath mat, a hand towel (which Hubby used for tennis), Buddy Boy�s socks, my undies, and two pillows which I would not normally be washing except that my darling son, who shall remain nameless, invites friends to sleep over and then gives them a sleeping bag and a pillow upon which to lay their weary heads, but does not cover said pillow with a slip, whereupon whatever groodits that live in his friends� hair (including all that adolescent grease) ends up on the pillow cover itself; hence the need to wash said pillows.

2. Threw out one washed pillow as the inside stuffing got totally moved around and the only way to rearrange it properly would be to open up the stitching, which I have done once before, and I absolutely refuse to do again. Gone!

3. Filled the bird feeder with sunflower seeds. Mr. and Mrs. RBGB (red-breasted grossbeak) are back, as well as the cardinals and the American goldfinches, and they�re all voracious eaters. The chickadees are no slouches either. I am dreading the onslaught of the grackles.

4. Copied a few pages of orchestral score.

5. Played one game of literati with zitagsd which she won. It was an unrated game; if it had been rated I would have tried harder. Although that doesn�t mean I shouldn�t give her her due and admit that she�s the better player, or at least the recipient of better letters.

6. Installed the latest version of MSN Messenger for Mac OS 9.2.2 on the G3.

7. Had a prolonged hot bubble bath wherein I read a large chunk from an Asimov Magazine (I�m so far behind in my reading, the magazines are heaped up from months already) about a poor sap who realizes he is a clone created to hunt down his alpha self to destroy him.

8. Stepped on the scale and saw that I have in fact been reducing, albeit slowly. Woo hoo!

9. Swept the stairs going to the second floor and got rid of a fair bit of dirt and dust. I�m starting to really notice the dirt and it�s beginning to bother me, which means I might even muster up enough energy to do a proper cleaning of this house.

10. Slaved away at the Saturday NY Times crossword and finally conceded defeat. It�s just too hard and remains almost completely blank.

Tonight we go to see the latest Star Wars movie. Little Princess saw it last night and said it was actually all right. So I hope I don�t end up hating it the way I did the other two.


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