Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land


Wednesday, Mar. 21, 2007
6:15 a.m.
It is an ungodly hour, an adjective which has absolutely no meaning for me, since all hours in my life are ungodly, but it seemed like the appropriate thing to say about a time of day when I have been awake since 4:30 a.m., have already eaten a banana, driven my husband to the bus station, waved bye bye as he left for parts southwest (he spends several days in San Ant0ni0, TX at Trinity U., delivering a lecture, playing one of his compositions on a concert, being generally fêted and hobnobbing with his fellow wizards) and the sun has not yet risen. Whose crazy idea was it to go on daylight saving time so early in the year, eh?

It is officially spring, but we are still in the dead of winter here at 45' 22.6" N 71' 50.7" W, the mercury reporting a dismal -20°C when I looked out the kitchen window. The forecast is for rain and tropical temperatures tomorrow, but this is March, anything is possible.

The hand cleaner I failed to mention by name in my post last night is Snap. I have been using it since I was a teenager to combat pimples and blackheads, and as a middleaged woman I am still plagued by those nasties, at least in the chin area at certain times of the month. The manufacturer was also making a line of products aimed at teens with a finer grade of pumice and tea tree oil, but that seems to have disappeared from pharmacy shelves as well. When I am in Toronto at the beginning of next month, I shall endeavour to find some there.

In answer to my good friend coldandgray and her comment that I should just call my brother up and start a light-hearted conversation with him (relating to two posts ago), it has already been attempted. He will not talk to me apart from terse monosyllables. On his birthday the year before last Hubby called him and they chatted amicably enough, then he handed the phone to me and that’s exactly what I got. So, I’m not about to try it again.

Right. Well, the sky is definitely lighter now. Maybe I can go back to bed for an hour or so.


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