Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land


Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2006
10:29 p.m.
I sit at the computer out of force of habit. Maybe I shouldn�t bother trying to update my diary daily. I�m just so exhausted right now.

I�ve lost my sunglasses, the pair I bought at the SungIass Hut in Florida when I was last there with my husband and kids visiting the in-laws. These are really good polaroid sunglasses, UV proof, a little scratched maybe, but very comfortable to wear, and I look very stylish in them. In fact, they are the same sunglasses I am wearing in the picture below of myself with my sister-in-law. They were in my coat pocket last Tuesday, and by Wednesday morning they were missing. I have no idea where they went.

Today we ascended the risers at choir practice and went through all 15 of the choir numbers that require full chorus. As a result the rehearsal went late and I had very little time to make supper, eat, and get out the door to writing group, which was extremely poorly attended (just Janet, Patsy, Kate and myself). I was so tired I did not feel very creative. Anyway, Dr. M. and I found ourselves on the top tier, which wasn�t so bad really, but the light was terrible and I barely had room to hold my binder. As a result, I was forced to keep my arms in so as not to bump the girl in front of me (I was doing that anyway), and with my poor presbyopic vision it was almost impossible to see the music. Add to that the fact that most of the music we are doing is unadulterated crap, it comes out to a not very satisfying experience. Why am I doing this again?

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