Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land


Monday, Jun. 20, 2005
12:17 p.m.
The banner on this �addentry� page says: �weird al� deserves a star on hollywood�s walk of fame! I couldn�t agree more. But I�m not clicking on it. No way.

This morning Hubby told me that yesterday�s Father�s Day was the nicest ever. We didn�t do anything special. He got to play tennis with one of his tennis buddies and when asked if he would rather eat in or out, opted for in, so I barbecued salmon and new potatoes and made a salad. We ate outdoors, the first day in a week we�ve been able to because of the rain, and I presented him with a card (the kids gave him cards earlier in the day) and the DVD Wimbledon, which we watched after supper. It was extremely timely since the actual Wimbledon competition begins today, so for the next while I shall be a tennis widow.

I wasn�t feeling too good during the movie, having to ask them to pause it every 15 minutes or so so I could run to the bathroom, my stomach cramping, lower back aching. I have no idea if it was from something I ate or just a virus making its way through my intestines, but it was pretty awful. I think I�m all better now.

The other day when Little Princess� friends were here, before we went to the movie, and all the fun stuff that happened around that, her boyfriend commented on the liquid soap I have in the bathroom. He had no idea what witch hazel was. So I said I would get him a proper definition and leapt up from my comfy armchair and went into the other room where they thought I was going to ask Google. However, I fooled them all by taking the appropriate volume of the Encyclopaedia Britannica off the shelf and consulting it. You�d think that that generation had never heard of reference books in the home. I still don�t entirely trust information I get online, prefering paper sources if I can get them. Am I old-fashioned or what?


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