Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

A veil does not avail.

Monday, Oct. 1, 2007
10:09 p.m.
The year for me is divided into quarters, the beginning of each being marked by the need to either flip or turn our mattress. Turning is something I can manage on my own. Flipping a queen-size mattress by myself is another story entirely. I’m just too little. So, I must remember to ask Hubby to help me with this task soon.

I found my sunglasses. I wish I hadn’t; then I would always think that they were still alive somewhere, instead of being found dead like a kidnap victim. It’s a bit of the Schrödinger cat syndrome, I suppose. Hope springs eternal until dashed. My sunglasses became garbage. They must have fallen out of my pocket as we ran across the street and by the time I found them, they were missing a temple, the one remaining one was at a very odd angle indeed, the glass was completely gone and the frames had been run over several times. Sigh.

I took my guest to the university this morning, giving her a brief tour of the high points: the music department (of course) and concert hall, the renovated administrative building, the chapel, and then we wandered into town where she shopped till she dropped at this store, the factory outlet of which happens to be in my town. I took the opportunity to buy a few baby things for a recent arrival to the world, and which I shall get in the mail toute suite for that wee bairn. We also stopped in the used book store and chatted with my fearless writing group leader for a bit before returning to the parked car and going home, so she could pack and get on the road. We had a mucho fun and I shall miss her.

Belly dancing was a lot of work tonight, which I suppose is a good thing. I find I am terribly out of shape. The dance with the veil requires our arms to be aloft a lot, and that is extremely tiring. Still, it’s fun. I think this class was a good idea.


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