Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

O Wild West Wind

Monday, Feb. 1, 2010
9:07 p.m.
Hubby was finally able to connect with the famous actor who is going to be narrating his piece, or whose name is on the marquee for that rôle. It is true, he has done musical theatre, but learned all his songs by ear. He cannot read a note of music. He portrayed a very famous Canadian pianist in a series of films about him (I was not actually aware of this fact until Hubby apprised me of it), having to pretend throughout that he was a virtuoso pianist. This is why he is an actor, because he pretends convincingly.

On the other hand, he was really rather nervous when Hubby spoke to him. He is aware of his shortcomings in this area and doesn’t think he will be able to learn his part in the time allotted. He asked if it would not be better to have a singer do it, and Hubby pointed out that it’s not sung, but spoken. There is a possibility that the famous actor will pull out of the project and someone else will have to take his place. Hubby fears that this will spell the end of his association with that musical organization.

I doubt it. But you never know. The music is solid. He fulfilled his contractual obligation, getting his score and performance materials in ON TIME, something that is almost unheard of. It isn’t his fault that he was never given the information he needed in time to write a piece that would be better suited to this particular soloist, and he has done everything in his power (and mine) to try to make it easier for the soloist to learn his part.

Anyway, we shall see.

In the meantime, I continue copying out orchestrated pages for the opera. Today I printed out Act I, Scene 3 and proofread it before reprinting it for Hubby’s perusal. I also went grocery shopping and bought Ed a birthday gift to present to him when I take him out for lunch tomorrow.


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