Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

The weather outside is frightful�

Thursday, Dec. 2, 2004
8:24 a.m.
Yesterday, December 1, was officially the first day of winter for us here in the beautiful Eastern T0wnships. The snow fell, the plows didn�t do our street, then it rained, then it got cold again; life is beautiful!

After my 11:30 student�s lesson, which was a blast (we�re starting Schubert�s Die Erlk�nig with a view to putting it on his recital next year) I had lunch with some of my colleagues, laughing up a storm. Willa was telling us how one of her dogs every morning wakes up her husband by sitting on his head and coughing, since it has one collapsed trachea. Her husband calls this the �coughing ass hat� and hates it. She also relayed a very amusing story of how two of her dogs got sprayed by a skunk and proceeded to tear around inside the house, spreading the odeur around with them. Apparently it took months before the smell went away.

I then proceeded to the grocery store where I spent a very large sum on party stuff: beer, wine, chips, pretzels, dip, frozen appetizers, as well as some necessary groceries for us. I kept the two bills separate. When I was unloading the car, one of the bags had a hole in it and a bottle of red wine slipped right out and shattered on the cement garage floor. It was not a pretty sight. I decided to take the rest of the afternoon off, seeing as how my 1:30 had completed her lessons and my 2:30 had withdrawn from the program. Then I got a call from the latter asking if we weren�t supposed to have a lesson, and I flubbed something about getting her mixed up with the student before her (quick save) and we rearranged for today. I guess she feels she�s paid for them, she�s entitled to them, although I don�t see much point in filling out an evaluation for her now.

The string orchestra concert went very well. There was a pretty good audience, very supportive and appreciative, and we adjourned to our house afterwards for a kick-ass party. I actually consumed two whole beers and an unnamed quantity of potato chips (don�t put those things anywhere near me; I cannot resist them), feeling very fine. It was a great party.

Today I have to pick up my Latin test, teach a couple of lessons and have a dress rehearsal for tomorrow night�s concert. Tonight is jazz ensemble, and that should be lots of fun. This time of year is insanity personified for music departments, for musicians in general. I think I will really deserve a holiday after this.


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