Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Where the bee sucks, there suck I.

Thursday, Apr. 19, 2007
7:28 p.m.
Today is the first day that actually feels like spring. The sun shone, the temperature rose, and I discovered crocuses and one lone snowdrop blooming in my lawn and underneath the lilac bush next to the garage. I have never been so relieved to find evidence that warm weather is upon us as I was today.

For some reason, I used to find springtime rather depressing instead of exhilarating. The rebirth of nature would put me into a funk, possibly because the year is constantly being renewed, but I am not. This actually started when I was in my early 20’s. Strange, I know. I seem to be over it now, which is a good thing. Perhaps waiting so long for warm weather took its toll. It’s now hard to believe that it was snowing just a few days ago. Already the evidence of winter’s constant barrage is restricted to the shady parts of the yard and among the trees in the woods. I am not sad to see it go.

Now that I have a digital camera, there is nothing stopping me from recording all that I see and passing it on so that others can enjoy. This is what greeted me when I went outside this morning:

There was even a bee sucking nectar. Cute.


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