Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Sushi! Gesundheit!

Saturday, Jun. 17, 2006
9:48 p.m.
Domesticity struck today with a vengeance. The promised pie was prepared and it was beautiful. With the left-over dough I rolled and cut out little stars with a cookie cutter dating from my kids' prepubescence and stuck them on top, dutifully cutting slits to let the steam escape instead of having blueberry juice leaking all over the oven. I've done that before. Pie making isn't high art, it doesn't require great skill and I don't know why I don't do it more often, except that I really don't need all that butter and sugar and we never really eat dessert anyway. But this was special, my promise to Buddy Boy made good.

Little Princess and I also hit the poissonerie in Sh'brooke and purchased sushi quality tuna and goberge (which is some kind of white fish dressed up to resemble crab), both frozen, so that we could make sushi. Once home we thawed the fish in cold water, cooked the rice, cut up the cucumber and avocado, sliced the defrosted seafood, and at the last minute I scrambled a couple of eggs in sesame oil.

Little Princess called her friend Ed to come over, and he helped us roll the rice in nori. It was so much work for a meal. I think it was even more work than making samosas or spanikopitas, possibly because we really didn't know what we were doing and hadn't done it before. But the results were worth it. The five us of feasted on the fruits of our labours and got very full, finishing it all off with the pie, which was as delicious as it was good looking. One beer which I started before dinner and didn't finish until after my dessert helped to put me over the exhaustion edge.

While we were preparing dinner, Hubby and Buddy Boy were being domestic in the upstairs bathroom, switching the toilet seat hinges as the old ones had broken. The bolts were totally rusted and unremovable and Hubby finally got the brilliant idea of pulling them out with the hammer claw. Buddy Boy dropped a drill bit down the drain from where it cannot be retrieved. It is too long to go around the U and out the bottom and too far down to reach it with anything like tweezers. Maybe if I duct-tape a magnet to a knitting needle I can fish it out. I'll have to try that when I can see straight again.


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