Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Supermom vs. Cyberbabe

Monday, Jul. 17, 2006
11:33 a.m.
The heat is incredible. Okay, it's not as bad as for my friends in the southern States, but for us, it's incredible. Hubby and I took a walk at about 9:30 this morning. We accompanied Little Princess to the unversity, then turned around and returned along the bike path, which was really nice, as it's in the woods and shady, but when we emerged into the park and then walked up the street, I felt I was going to wilt and die. Once home I took a cool shower, but my cheeks are still burning a little, which means my internal regulator is still on overdrive.

Last night Hubby expressed his concern over my extended internet use. He thinks I am spending excessive amounts of time in cyberspace, and he really has no idea what I'm doing there. I tried to explain that I am reading and writing, and I am also socializing, but I admit that I spend much too much time playing spider solitaire, which isn't even an online activitiy. Other things were said too, and I confess that I raised my voice as I felt that he was attacking, or undermining, my lifestyle, but the truth is that I don't think I would have developed such an attachment to my cyberworld if he would make more time for me in his regular life.

For example, during the school year I would like to be able to meet him for lunch a couple of days a week. He spends every lunch hour playing tennis or squash or working out at the gym. He cites his need for physical exercise, which I do not deny, but it means that I can't simply join him for a sandwich at noon hour. Then, when most people leave their offices at 5 p.m. (the university officially ends its day at 4:30), he never seems to get away on time and arrives home for supper late. After supper he escapes to the attic where he composes or practises guitar. I do not begrudge him the composition or practising time, since this is something he has to do, but I do resent that it takes him away from me. Hence my development of a social life online.

Now that it is summertime and he has fewer outside obligations, he wants to spend more time with me, but I am instead in front of the computer, totally silent, click-click-clicking away on the keyboard, and when he wants my attention, it is elsewhere and I get angry with him for interrupting me. So you see, we have a problem. He also complained that things around the house are not getting done, like yard work, etc., but that's another story. I've never been good with that stuff, even before we had the internet.

So, does this mean that I spend less time here? Does it mean that I rearrange my time so that when I am online, it doesn't conflict with time that he wants to spend with me? I don't want to give up my cyberworld, and I don't want to lose my husband. I wish he were more interested in my invisible friends, but because they are invisible, he doesn't really believe they exist (I'm told this is a common problem with people who don't socialize on the internet).

Anyway, that's my dilemma for today, folks. All suggestions are welcome. Try to stay cool, if you can.


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