Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Dance to the music!

Saturday, Dec. 18, 2004
12:28 a.m.
Well, look at that, it�s already tomorrow and I haven�t written about today yet. I had great intentions of getting lots of work done on the Quadra, but ended up trying to email a music file to a friend, only to be told again and again that it was too big. I had been (mis)informed that by importing a song to iTunes it would be transformed into a MP3 file which I could then attach to an email. This is a lie folks. No such thing happens. A lousy two-minute song took up 21 MB of space and none of my email programs would work with it. Luckily another friend had me transfer that file directly through MSN to his computer where he reduced it with a program he has for that purpose, and he emailed the MP3 back to me, whereupon I was able to email it to the first friend. I�ve got to get me one of those programs.

I did do some music copying, but got sleepy again, mostly because I was staring at a measure with too many notes in it and didn�t have the energy to start fiddling with it. So instead I played several games of Shanghai II and pinball.

Hubby and I went to the university Christmas party this evening, whereat staff were awarded pins for having served in multiples of five years and we said goodbye to our chancellor whose ten-year term is now up. The food was truly insipid. I don�t understand that at all. Totally tasteless and texture free. The band, with the unlikely name of MidIife Crisis, was loud, but they played music we could relate to, and Hubby and I had a very fine time cutting a rug on the dance floor.

Now I�m tired and I should sleep well. A girl can dream anyway.


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