Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Happy 42nd Birthday, Flag!

Thursday, Feb. 15, 2007
7:29 p.m.
It was a snow day. I read about essaywriter’s four inches of snow and smirked. Sorry, I couldn’t help it. We got several feet of the stuff yesterday. In fact, there was so much frozen dihydrogenoxide on the ground that I could not have left my house by the front door if I had wanted to. I watched Buddy Boy trudge home (he had wisely stayed at his friend’s place last night) and photographed him from the upstairs window as he passed the totally buried Volvo:

This was the view from our kitchen door onto the back deck:

The local radio station had already informed us that everything was closed, schools, college, university (although, from the email I received, employees were still expected to report in--yeah, right) so we took our time attacking the white shit that filled in the driveway:

First Buddy Boy cleared a path to the woodshed so we could continue to heat the house:

Then I valiantly tried to unbury the Volvo:

Little Princess dug through to the front door:

Buddy Boy’s friend JD from down the street arrived to help:

The neighbour’s son took pity on us and came to help with his snowblower:

Many hands make light work:

The driveway all clean, just after the snowplow came by and filled in the end, for the second time:

I decided to go to choir, on the off chance there actually was a rehearsal, which necessitated a run in reverse to get over the wall of snow dumped there by the plow. I feel like I could do an endorsement for Subaru Outback now with no qualms whatsoever. About half the choir showed up, and we had an excellent rehearsal. The keeners came, leaving the dead wood at home, and the sound was better, the energy was there, and the discipline was in place. It makes you think we don’t need such a large group.

Oh, and as an afterthought, today is the anniversary of Canada’s flag, the well-known red maple leaf adopted in 1965. I was eight years old and actually remember the flag debate pretty well. It was a big deal.


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