Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

I know that you know that I know that you know...

Monday, May. 14, 2007
10:51 p.m.
My brother arrives for a five-day visit tomorrow. He comes at a very bad time. Hubby is working like a mad elf to write this symphony that is being premiered mid-July, and I am trying to keep up with him copying his manuscript on the computer. Today I made the corrections to the first movement from my first proof-reading (there will be many more, believe me), and now must start on the next section. Luckily, second movements are generally slow (if the first was fast) which means there are fewer measures and more white notes. Of course, that doesn’t mean there won’t be lots of 16ths and 32nds. Some of you people have no idea what I’m talking about.

Hubby went around with Kevin O today, dropping off their demo CD’s at various venues where they’re hoping to get gigs. One of them wanted to know if they had a singer, and yes, they do, moi of course. It’s a funny thing, this trio that he’s formed with drums and bass. He wanted to have an opportunity to play jazz, do improvisation and stuff, and he’s doing that. He didn’t want me involved, because when you add a singer, that’s a whole different ball game. But the places where they are inquiring about playing want singers. I wonder why that is?

So, anyway, I have prevailed upon Buddy Boy to entertain his uncle, and hopefully they won’t get into too much trouble. You never know. I really don’t trust either of them, now that I think of it, and especially not together.


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