Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Once when I was a little tiny boy�(did I say boy?)

Monday, Mar. 14, 2005
9:30 a.m.
Twelfth Night was surprisingly entertaining, considering my state of fatigue yesterday evening. Malvolio and Sir Toby were excellent, and the other cast members were also very good, especially the comic ones. The characters were double cast, and the student playing the fool Feste last night was a girl, a r�le which required some singing. She had a sweet voice, but singing unaccompanied as she was, she couldn�t seem to stay on pitch, or in key is more like it, and would have benefited by someone playing guitar (or lute, which would have been more authentic) along with her. However, it was probably only the music professors in the audience (ahem) who noticed this and were bothered by it.

Somehow I managed to wash four loads of laundry yesterday. I just love labour-saving appliances! I also spent almost $200 at Costco, whereto Buddy Boy accompanied me for the free samples and heavy lifting. They were certainly handing out a lot of interesting products, including �vitiminized water�, which we both agreed tasted rather awful, as when you accidentally allow the vitamin to start dissolving on your tongue before you get to swallow it. I think it would be a lot easier just to eat properly, n�est-ce pas?

The topic of reconnecting with ghosts from the past has come up, both with my travelling companion on the bus ride back from NYC and eggsaucted, and I got to thinking about my third boyfriend, the one I left to go to university and study music. I think if I had stuck around we would eventually have married, although it might have ended in disaster, but then I never got the chance to find out. I do remember though that on the one occasion I met him after we had parted, he showed no further interest in the relationship, or even continuing our connaissance.

When we first got the internet, almost two years ago now, I googled him and found out that he was a doctor, working for an organization which petitioned the government to pay workman�s compensation and disability benefits. There was even an email address listed, and I sat there, staring at the computer screen for several minutes, wrestling with the angel and devil who perch on my shoulders about whether or not I should make contact with him after all these years. I mentioned this to my husband, whose response was, �Why dredge up old memories?� Why indeed? My memories of our actual relationship were pleasant ones, but maybe they had soured for him over the years. I never did write him, and the urge has subsided completely, although from time to time I wonder what his response would be.

As for things like highschool reunions, I have never received any notices about this sort of thing. Several months ago I found the site where my old highschool is listed and signed up (although I�ve forgotten my password--oops!--I�ve even forgotten the site), but I have received no email from them apprising me of reunions or any other activities. There are very few people I knew from highschool whom I would want to meet up with, including this former boyfriend (we dated after graduation, but were good friends before), so I don�t know if I would even attend such a function were I informed of it. My life now, with my friends--both online and off--is much more important to me than anything in the past.

Now, if you�ll excuse me, I must carry on with that same life, practise for the April 2 new music concert (it�s all choral works and I am the soloist), teach my students, and shop for cheese. We�re all out.


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