Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Yes, we have no more junipers.

Sunday, Nov. 13, 2005
12:24 p.m.
The junipers are both gone, the branches and trunks cut up and dragged into the bushes. Alas. In the spring I plan to put trellises where they were and plant clematis, brightly-coloured ones, to replace them. At least the prickly branches no longer grab you when you head for the front door.

I read a most interesting article in the Gazette this morning, reprinted from the Washington P0st. I urge you to read it, if only to inform yourselves that Islamic women are taking charge and trying to better their lot. I wish them luck. That doesn�t mean that I condone Islam, or any organized religion for that matter (excuse me those of you who find my views intolerant), but for those who feel the need for spirituality in their lives, repression is bad, tolerance and jubilation in the equality of us all is good.


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