Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Tuesday update and that empty feeling.

Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2009
7:00 p.m.
I sit down to type this entry in a state of exhaustion knowing that if I do not do it now, I will not do it at all. So if I meander, or stop making sense completely, please bear with me.

The alarm woke me at 6:00 a.m. Buddy Boy’s bus pulled out of the station at 7:00 and he got there with no time to spare. I made him a sandwich from last night’s barbecued salmon and hugged and kissed him goodbye on the garage steps, deciding that I couldn’t muster up the energy to get dressed and accompany him and Hubby to the station. When we got home from the university this evening, we both noticed that the house seems a lot emptier without him. I love my children and their absence is an abyss that I must learn to live with.

The cleaning lady was here all morning, so the house smells from cleaning products. Not a great smell, if you ask me. But at least it’s clean, more or less. There are nooks and crannies I’m sure she’s never uncovered, yet today she proudly showed me how she’d wiped up all the spills and reorganized the pantry. I knew where everything was before. Now I have to start looking for the extra-virgin olive oil and the dark chocolate.

This afternoon we learned the composed past in Spanish, the one that’s conjugated with the present form of haber + participle. It’s similar enough to the French passé composé that I can figure it out, and it would seem that I only have to memorize the irregular verbs that don’t morph the way you expect them to.

We also had choir practice and again I ask myself what I’m doing there. Maybe it was just because I was tired. But the music is too easy this term and I really hate learning a couple of lines and then moving on to the next piece. There is one truly bright spot: my friend Jenn, the one who introduced me to these hallowed pages all those many years ago, is back to teach some classes and she has joined the ensemble, so I am guaranteed to see her at least twice a week. Now I have to figure out how to get some real quality time in with her apart from that.

I know there are a few days unaccounted for here, but they must have been spent copying music, shopping, doing laundry, cooking, and all those other various chores which make my life so exceedingly interesting. I have lots of blues songs to learn now, so that has to become a priority, and that’s probably a good thing.


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