Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

If I ate so much last night that I thought I�d never need to eat again, why am I hungry right now?

Sunday, Feb. 13, 2005
11:21 a.m.
Apart from the fact that the sun is actually shining right now, reflecting brilliantly off the blanket of snow we were so generously made recipients of the other day, it is shaping up to be another day spent at the Quadra, trying to get the score copied. The good news is that Hubby put on the double barline yesterday (woo hoo!); the bad news is that I am mired in an aleatoric section, the copying of every line of which drives me to despair and eventual distraction, forcing me to roam the house looking for food or other means of soulagement.

We were guests at a dinner party last night, the first in a very long time. The photography professor in the fine arts department had us over with a prof from the drama department and his lovely wife. She had done up the place with a Valentine theme, even serving us crantinis when we arrived, complete with heart-shaped ice cubes made from frozen cranberry juice. I was starving, and immediately fell upon the hors d�oeuvres (kalamata olives, crackers, guacamole, some kind of sour cream dip, etc.), not leaving myself much room for supper, which turned out to be baked salmon, rice pilaf, steamed asparagus and a green salad. I don�t like asparagus, but felt absolutely no compunction about leaving them uneaten on my plate, since the serving sizes were enormous and I had already blown my wad on the appetizers. Dessert was a cheese cake brought by the other guests, topped with a dollop of whipped cream. I did finish my cake, and drank copious amounts of tea, to top off the copious amounts of red wine which I had taken with my meal.

The conversation was delightful, centering around the arts, seeing as how that�s what we�re all involved in. The photographer and Hubby bemoaned the fact that they are so busy doing their art that they don�t have time to promote it. It�s a problem, especially in academia when you spend so much time teaching that the leftover hours are jealously spent creating, and there just isn�t the energy left over for the commercial aspect. They ended up agreeing that they need agents. Hell, the university isn�t promoting them!


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