Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Elgan and the 500 hats.

Monday, Sept. 12, 2005
7:42 p.m.
I wore many different hats today. Well, I only wore a red baseball cap to keep the sun off me as I walked to and from the university, but you know what I mean.

This morning I was a mom, making Buddy Boy�s lunch and doing a load of laundry which I hung out to dry. Then I was a bad student, quickly finishing off my homework before class. Following this I was a wife, walking with my husband to the university where we parted ways with a kiss, he to his office, I to my Latin class. Then I was a good student, participating in class, asking questions, giving answers.

During the lunch hour, I became a consumer, in both the economic and nutritive senses. There are strange things afoot in the student union building. The large room downstairs, known as the pub, is being renovated and the grill has been closed off from the larger area by an actual wall. This is absurd. It means that you have to buy your food, go out of that room into the large common area, enter the pub by another doorway and find a seat. As a result, the loft was very crowded. This fall, as well as gourmet coffees, they are serving freshly-made sandwiches on baguettes and ciabattas. I bought a veggie-delite sort of thing, which wasn�t too bad after I peeled all the roasted eggplant out of it (I dislike that vegetable, as well as being allergic to it) and washed it down afterwards with a cappucino.

I joined Little Princess� BF, and their drummer soon came and sat with us, but left after he�d eaten only to be replaced by the keyboard player. The latter is also in my Latin class and had a knapsack full of text books and grammars, which assisted me greatly in the pursuit of homework completion as I do not wish to be caught as I was this morning. As it is, I�m only two-thirds of the way through. Patsy is really laying it on thick with this course.

The next hat I put on was a singer�s, as I adjourned to a practice room at the music department to work on the several pieces I am responsible for in the next couple of months. I still have to find that Polish speaker for coaching with the Gorecki. Then I came home, had a cup of tea and swam in the cyber sea of the internet, then made a fantastic supper which must be recorded for posterity.

I thawed two rather thick salmon steaks and spread pesto on one side, placing the other on the barbecue. After 10 minutes I flipped them over, and spread pesto on the cooked side, leaving them to grill for another 10 minutes. They were accompanied by potatoes boiled and dressed with butter, salt, pepper and parsley, and cauliflower sauteed in the wok with olive oil, garlic, salt, garam masala and a touch of Ang0stura bitters. Everything was remarkable.


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