Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

I�m hot, really hot.

Sunday, June 12, 2005
10:45 p.m.
Here in the beautiful Eastern Townships of Quebec we have perhaps two weeks of perfect weather. One of them occurs in late May/early June, the other is in September. The rest of the time it is either too cold or too hot. Today was the latter. I just got home from an UpIands practice where my dress was soaked from just being sat on. Tim kept suggesting corn starch for my stickiness and Diane told me to put cider vinegar on my mosquito bites. What if I just mixed the two together and slathered it all over me? I would definitely be killing two birds with one stone.

I have been meaning to answer the Friday Five as lifted from bindyree�s diary, but kept forgetting. So I shall do so now.

What things did you enjoy as a child that you no longer do?

I really enjoyed drawing and even though I have tried to pick up the artwork again through taking courses at the university (painting and sculpture), I just don�t seem to spend the time just drawing the way I used to.

What things did you enjoy as a child that you still do today?

Singing, obviously. I never stopped doing that. Also, after a hiatus, I started keeping a diary again, something I did off and on for years.

What things do you do now, that the child you were never thought you�d like?

I eat olives now, kalamata only, mind you, and avocados and artichokes. I also have sex. Hahahahahahaha!

If you could go back to one age and stay there for a while, what would it be?

Twenty-four. That was my favourite year, my last year of university. I was young, good looking, not yet married, in love with my husband-to-be, and the future stretched out ahead of me with endless possibilities.

If you could fast forward to an age (you do get to come back!) for a while, what would it be?

Let�s be serious here. I�m almost 50. Why in the world would I want to �fast forward�? I�d rather linger here a little longer, thank you.


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