Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Aging, death and karaoke

Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2008
8:58 p.m.
Remember I said my mom was in great shape on Saturday when we took her out to lunch? I got back from grocery shopping this morning to a message on the answering machine from her. She was convinced she was going bonkers, that she had lost her mind, and to top it off, her washing machine was broken. I called her back. She didn’t sound like she’d lost her mind. She sounded pretty sane and rational. But she couldn’t remember how old she is (88 in one month exactly) and she asked me what agency she should be looking for in order to find a place she should move into. I suggested she look up “retirement homes”, and she said she would.

Even though she claims she’s losing her mind, she is still incredibly independent and wants to do this herself. She calls me, who am helpless to assist her in these things due to the distance, but not my brother who is a mere 10-minute walk away. I don’t know what to do.

When we arrived at my brother-in-law’s place last week, his wife told us that Jeff HeaIey had died at the age of 41 from cancer. I was shocked. He performed at our university several years ago when his wife was seven months pregnant with their first child. He was incredible. I can’t believe he’s dead.

And while we’re on the subject of music, there was a karaoke evening at the resort when we were there, and I got up and performed S0mewhere Over the Rainbow. Apparently I was super. Someone compared me to my Canadian compatriot CeIine Di0n. Then, on a spur-of-the-moment whim, Hubby and I got up and performed Twist & Shout as a call and answer song (I called, he answered). We even did a funny dance onstage. For days afterwards people were complimenting us on our performance. It just goes to show. What, I’m not sure, but it just goes to show.


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