Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

�and now to bed I hie.

Sunday, Jun. 11, 2006
11:59 p.m.
Buddy Boy accompanied me tonight to the joint drama/music production of the spring musical, the second time they have attempted such a thing. This time G.R., a well-respected Canadian playwright and long-time professor here (about the same amount of time as we've been here) and Herr Doktor Professor adapted Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, cutting out bits of text and replacing them with Beatles songs. Amazingly, it worked very well, even though the show ran about three hours total.

Herr Doktor directed the band and also sang some, Fanny Piano played keyboards, Herr Doktor's youngest son played bass and sang, and two unknowns were on guitar and drums, but all five of them wore costumes � la Sgt. Pepper's. It was brilliant. While the singing was not uniformly good, seeing as how you have actors who cannot sing very well mixed in with the music students who can, the acting was excellent all round, even from the music students. The drama student who played Bottom stole the show, as did the music/drama student who played Puck. My two baritones were there, one was Oberon/Thesius, and the other played the head of the workmen/players. They both did very well.

The play is double casted, and I'll be going back on Tuesday night with Hubby to see the other one, (Helena and Titania only get switched around). Tonight's was excellent, and the other should be just as good, if not better.

Earlier today I went with Little Princess to see a one-woman show that a friend of hers (another drama student who sings in the choir) wrote with her boyfriend and is taking on a tour of two fringe festivals this summer. It was very good and I was really impressed with what she could do.

So, in all, it has been a dramatically full day. The laundry has been piling up as I wait for sunshine in which to hang it outside, but since that isn't likely to happen for a while yet I did two loads and put them both in the dryer. The river is extremely high right now, which makes me think we're in for more flooding in the Townships, and I wonder where that hot, dry summer they predicted is.

And now I must away, for darkest night beckons lovers all to bed.


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