Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Books, books, more books, and a finished score.

Monday, July 11, 2005
9:44 p.m.
I have just cracked open a Smirn0ff Ice Triple BIack (which is so superior to those imitations I bought at Costco which turned out not to have vodka at all, but �malt beverage�, which would account for their inferiority, whereas this is the real McCoy) in celebration of having finished copying Hubby�s score for the TSO a second time, duly backed up and to be taken to his office tomorrow to finish printing so the composer can finish proofreading. This has been one abject lesson in why one should have backups of digital documents. Grrr!

It has been a hot and sunny day, a taste of what we are headed into when we drive to Ontario next weekend. Apparently my home province is experiencing record highs and dry weather. I�m glad my mom has air conditioning.

In the mailbox today there were not one, but two packages, both containing books, one of them the original BOMC order which somehow got lost and which is being returned to sender, and a collection of fairy tales from a far-flung time zone. I am delighted, to say the least. It has gone on the pile of reading beside my bed. I should really sort those books so that I attack them in some kind of order, either by genre or alphabetically by title or author.

A while ago harri3tspy asked people to reply with a selection of recommended summer reading, but I have so many books awaiting my own perusal that I couldn�t possibly start compiling such a list. There are books dating from my birthday two years ago, not to mention Christmas and the next birthday, plus books that I have picked up here and there and, of course, the new Harry P0tter will be out this weekend (although I won�t be able to pick up my prepaid copy until we get back from our trip) and that will definitely go on top of the list because, well, it�s Harry P0tter! Then there is the backlog of Asim0v and ScienceFiction&Fantasy magazines that are piling up on my bedside table. I think I should stop playing on the computer and start reading!

For a less-than-complimentary review of the Fantastic Four, just skip back to yesterday�s entry where I�ve linked at the bottom to another blog.


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