Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Quo tempus it?

Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2006
11:40 a.m.
The day after a trip is spent doing tons of laundry. The university is off for the week, and I have great intentions which, if I state them here, I might actually attempt. One of them is to get much Latin homework done, including making a good dent in the final assignment, the translation of Cicer0’s fourth CataIinian speech, plus the assigned homework: the translation of a poem and the creating of a vocabulary sheet for the in-class translations. I haven’t yet begun any of that. Instead, I’ve done two loads of laundry, one of which is on the line and the other in the dryer as we speak.

Before we went on our trip, I bought a 1.1 kg bag of jeIIy beIIies for the car. We ate most of them. That’s a lot of candy. I also bought butterscotch candies and English mints. When I stepped on the scale this morning, I was a pound heavier than before we left. That includes Thanksgiving dinner at my in-laws’ and the restaurant meal of Sunday, combined with the three days of complete inactivity. I feel like a blob.

Before we left, I agonized about what to do with the basil in the garden. The decision has been taken from me by Mother Nature who kindly killed it all with a frost while we were gone. The remaining flower buds and leaves on my burgmansia are also frost killed and it’s definitely time for me to pot it and bring it indoors, which entails the acquisition of a bag of clean dirt.

In the car yesterday, as we tuned in to CBC to hear the news, we were apprised of the deadline for their annual literary awards competition, November 1, and Hubby has encouraged me to send something in. So, I’m seriously thinking of doing so, in the literary non-fiction category. It can’t be anything that is already published anywhere, including online, so previous diary entries are out. But I have an idea. All I need is to spin it out to 2,000 to 2,500 words long.

So, with all these fun activities staring me in the face, I don’t know when I’ll get my Latin done. Do you?


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