Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

A German, French and Italian walked into a bar...

Sunday, Dec. 10, 2006
1:28 p.m.
I have posted a joke over at harri3tspy’s comments page and I’m curious who will get it. It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a very long time, ever since she first mentioned the possibility of such a thing, and I needed the help of my composer/theorist husband, who himself is convinced that it’s a ridiculous undertaking because no one will get it, in order to have enough of a refresher course on augmented sixth chords that I could even attempt the task. But, I gave it a try nonetheless. In fact, the joke had its genesis in the bar of the hotel in Calgary where we stayed last month.

As we speak, I’m supposed to be working on my Latin assignment. We translated 20 paragraphs of the first CataIinian speech Cicer0 delivered to the senate in class, and so we are to produce nice smooth translations of our own, and then to continue with literal translations of the remaining 13 passages. I now realize what a daunting task this is and that I should have gotten started much earlier. I have until December 19 to complete this, as well as hand in a supplement to the personal grammar we started last year. Why, oh why am I such a procrastinator?

There is a squirrel who has been hanging around our back deck in order to take advantage of the sunflower seeds the birds scatter since I moved the feeder so that it is protected from snow accumulation under the edge of the roof. He is really very cute, but my husband is concerned that he will eventually find a way into the house, Zeus forfend. He is already hearing rustling behind the neewall, which is a sign for me to replenish the trap (I have an electronic rat zapper) or put out bags of poison. I hate doing that, but we can’t have wildlife living between the walls of our house now, can we?


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