Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Do you play well with other children? Do you share your toys? Have you ever run with scissors?

Monday, May. 3, 2004
8:32 a.m.
Early morning again and I�m inescapably drawn to the magic box. The lunchladies of Mordor updated today, and I always enjoy their entries. You who haven�t already really ought to visit. It�s amazing how things are changing in Mordor now that the Eye is gone. Patti and Pimmi paint a very pretty portrait of the place. It sounds like a good spot for a family vacation.

I can�t remember what I was going to pontificate about this morning. Maybe I should save readng my buddy list until after I�ve updated. My good friend leonmcphelps had a very funny submission this morning as well. Quite the talent, that guy.

I think it�s time for some more interactive Diarylanding (anything can be a verb, I tell you!) and the topic for today�s discussion is going to be �Marriage�. Many of my regular readers are in a state of wedded matrimony, most apparently happily, some perhaps not. I would like to know why people get married, why they stay married, or not, and basically your opinions on the value of the institution. If you could have the same rights and privileges as legally married persons without going through the ceremony, would you choose to live in a cohabitational situation and forego the wedding? For those of you who have experienced the breakdown of a marriage, tell me what went wrong (not the whole gory details, but just how an ideal relationship, one that merited marriage, became one that merited divorce).

As my regular readers know, I have been married now for almost 22 years. Both my husband and I come from families where our parents stayed together through thick and thin; my parents celebrated 52 years before my father passed away, and my in-laws have reached that number as well. For me, as an idealistic youth, marriage represented the culmination of a relationship in which two people loved each other and could not imagine living apart. It has not always been an easy road. I resented many times the fact that I gave up a performing career in order to be a wife and stay-at-home mother, but on the other hand, there is also the possibility that I never would have made it as a concert singer, and I chose to have children. They were not forced upon me. There have been the inevitable battles of wills between two strong personalities, the raging arguments that resulted in screaming and threats of divorce (which never happened in the end, but the memory of it still sets my adrenalin a-pumping). And there has been the sense of security being in a relationship with someone I love and respect who loves and respects me and has also made sacrifices in order to support a wife and family and maintain a lifestyle that is comfortable to us all.

Okay, that�s my story. Now I want to hear yours.


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