Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

It�s ghazal time!

Thursday, Apr. 29, 2004
9:25 a.m.
The following is my attempt at poetry-on-demand from Tuesday night�s writing session. It was inspired by my ill-fated shopping trip to purchase a sexy, red bra.

My breasts, once firm, now saggy sacks half empty
Are a symptom of how my body betrays me.

The skin of my face, of my neck, of my eyelids
Droops with gravity, as my body betrays me.

My hair once black, as dark as moonless, starless night,
Shows silver at the roots where my body betrays me.

My memory so clear, so sharp, is fading now
As well as my sight as my body betrays me.

And where once I drew men to my lips like honey,
They no longer tempt as my body betrays me.

And when Elgan ceases to exist in this realm
It will be because my body has betrayed me.


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