Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

Philosophical ramblings on a full stomach.

Friday, Apr. 23, 2004
12:36 p.m.
Chatting this morning on MSN with my girlfriend who lives in Israel and with whom I have been friends since before I started menstruating, I finally told her about my on-line diary. I told her where it was, but not what it was, and while we were conversing she opened her very own account here at Diaryland. Now the game is on to find each other�s diary. Mine should be simple, but hers might prove more difficult. This could be interesting.

I tried the D�land chatroom again last night, but was so very tired that I just couldn�t get into it. There�s no saying who�s going to be there or what the topics of conversation are, and as I�ve noticed time and again, I tend to be one of the senior diarists here, which means that many of the topics under discussion are things I no longer have any interest in.That�s one thing age does for you, it puts things in perspective. One of the things that young people lack (and I was one once) is a grasp of the big picture.

When I was a teenager I got interested in the art of bonsai and started reading books about it. I even considered taking it up, but the thought of committing years to raising seedlings, dwarfing them, twisting their limbs and investing in decorative pots was daunting. Now, 30 or more years later, I look at the beautiful bonsai trees in the botanical gardens in Montreal and think to myself that I could have some beautiful specimens if I hadn�t been so short-sighted. Youth wants instant gratification. As we get older we realize that some things are worth waiting for. See why they say youth is wasted on the young?


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