Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

You're looking at a woman suffering serious sleep deprivation.

Thursday, Apr. 8, 2004
11:42 a.m.
Yesterday's goddess class was of the bitter-sweet variety, being the last and the best. There were two short seminars, Iris and Nike, both very well done. Patsy brought out a tray of tiny goddess figurines � la the Venus of Willendorf that a former student and graduate of this course had made. They are tiny, fitting in the palm of the hand and painted different colours. I chose a mauve one that felt just right in my closed fist. Very sweet of her. She also provided small cotton, drawstring bags that she had purchased so we could store our little goddesses safely.

Then we traipsed outside across the muddy grounds to a very nice tree on the low area between the river and Divinity House, and hung our goddess symbols around it. Both classes joined for this activity, and there were really some very beautiful pieces. The young man in the other class who had researched Gaia had taken a nicely-shaped rock and wrapped string around it so it could be suspended from a branch. I thought this was so fitting. Of course my Medusa got lots of praise. It is a pretty nifty piece.

Last night was another of those crazy, mom-the-taxi nights, where I had to get supper ready very early since Hubby and Little Princess needed to be at a rehearsal at 6 p.m. and I had to pick Buddy Boy up from school and deliver him to karate at precisely the same time, and of course Hubby was not ready until 6:00. Then when I returned home I did a quick dusting and vacuuming, wiping up the worst spots from the floors and cleaning off the counters, and then had to be at the concert myself for 8 p.m.

The concert itself was extremely good. The orchestra didn't sound great, but then this is the first time in the 160 years of this university's existence that we've had enough musicians to actually have a chamber orchestra. Everything on the programme except for the last piece was from the string orchestra repertoire, including Mozart's Eine kleine Nachtmusik. The members of the visiting quartet joined the students, and it was a good move that they did. They finished with the honours thesis of a graduating composition student, and it was really very good. She has lots of promise as a composer. This group was augmented with some brass, winds, piano and percussion.

Afterwards there was a big reception in the lobby with Mexican food and tequila. The graduating composer is Mexican and her whole family came up for the occasion. It was very loud and boisterous, and then they all came over to our house. And didn't leave until the wee, wee hours in the morning. At about 1 a.m. I just went to bed, after downing a whole Gravol, a quarter of which I instructed harri3tspy is usually sufficient, in the hopes that it would knock me out and I would enter oblivion swiftly. It was not to be. Our Mexican visitors were playing guitar and singing, and one of them had a wee, cornet-like trumpet-thing, and the volume of the voices was forte. I think I did doze off because I didn't hear them leave. But I woke up again when Hubby started playing his electric guitar.

At this point I called to him to come upstairs as I wanted to speak to him, and asked him to not play guitar and please try to encourage the company to leave, thank you. Then I went back to bed. I must have dozed again, because the next thing I remember was Hubby crawling into bed with me, trying to steal my warmth. That was perhaps 4 a.m. I awoke before my alarm at 6:55 a.m. and did not feel like getting up, but my first student was scheduled for 9:30.

So here I am waiting for the concert at noon where the students whom the string quartet coached perform with them or not, and then we shall adjourn to Shalimar for their buffet lunch before I have to teach my last student for the semester at 2:30 p.m. Following that is a faculty council meeting where our new collective agreement has to be ratified, a vernissage of the graduating fine arts class at Centennial Theatre, and then home to prepare supper, and hopefully an early bedtime. Willie Makeit? Betty Wont!


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