Elgan speaks
...and her words thunder across the land

More strike footage

Friday, Mar. 19, 2004
8:34 a.m.
As promised, I�m posting some more pictures from the APBU website. These were taken this morning on the early shift at the eastern front, as we call that end of campus. The first one is of me on the left with one of my colleagues. You can see the johnny-on-the-spot in the background. None of the ladies have yet used it; we have been given washroom privileges at the college. But the guys regularly take advantage of it, and I can only imagine they freeze their privates everytime they try it out.

This next one is my beloved, surrounded by other colleagues, including some of the �flying pickets� who came in today from all across Canada.

There was a big student rally at 1:00 p.m. They assembled at our HQ, where the visiting reps from other faculty associations presented our union president with cheques to help out in the good fight. Then we made our way down College Street to the main campus exit, sang Solidarity Forever with newly-minted words for our specific situation, and Nelly thanked the students for all their support. There should be more pictures on the website later today.

Tonight there�s a party at the community centre, which will be a welcome event. Most of us are feeling pretty tense and stressed out from the uncertainty. It�s been a whole week now that we are on strike, and up till now the students haven�t lost out that much. But if it goes on much longer, it�ll be more difficult to squeeze in all the classes missed, and for assignments and projects to get done. The talk among my colleagues is that the administration is saving money on wages right now, but if this continues for very long, they will lose their funding from the government. Also, irate parents will start demanding refunds for a term lost, prospective students will look elsewhere to attend university, and it will be to the detriment of everyone. The principal has a spring convocation to present with invited guests and honorary doctorates to present. She is also departing to go elsewhere. Is this the kind of impression she wants to leave behind?


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